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Úlfur Úlfur (IS) s Stříbrný Rafael (CZ)

25. 1. 18Kabinet Múz, Brno


Úlfur Úlfur (trans. “Wolf Wolf”) are proud children of legendary islandic hip-hop scene, that even the rest of the world fell in love with. The duo has released their first songs in 2011 and the fame’s been rising ever since. Mostly because their eclectic way of making music, which is inspired by modern genres. Úlfur Úlfur’s music is beyond classic rap genre. The musicians say: “There are two different worlds meeting in our music. One is the soul of young teenager, that wants the world to burn in flames, and the second one is a soul of a wise man, who already knows, that if he wants a change, he must be the change.”

Duo will be plaing in Brno in Kabinet Múz on January 25th 2018. Tickets are available via fource.cz and GoOut.cz for 120 czk and for 150 czk at the door.


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