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Turnover (US) s Sergeant Jammer

28. 2. 20Café V lese, Praha
Facebook event

7 pm otevíráme | 8 pm Sergeant Jammer | 9 pm Turnover

For a band with longevity like Turnover, change is inevitable. In 2019, they celebrate their tenth anniversary as a band – yet, they have somehow always remained relevant across these long ten years of change, seemingly without trying to. In a way, this is because of Turnover’s gradual shift from a Virginia group classed amongst pop-punk’s rising stars to something so much more than that: no matter what mood you’re in, there’s a Turnover song to match it. Altogether, Turnover’s new album, represents another shift for the band, but this time, in a different way to those explored in the past: “On this record, more than in the past, we wanted to keep in mind the beauty of writing ‘popular music,’” says lead singer Getz.

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