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Royal Republic (SE) s Blackout Problems (DE)

3. 12. 19Velký sál Lucerna, Praha

7 pm doors | 8.15 pm Blackout Problems | 9.30 pm Royal Republic

It’s been eleven years since Royal Republic entered music scene and it looks like Czech Republic is their second home. From the small clubs for hundred fans, through the big festival stages, they reached to play big concert halls. This time, the Swedish rockers perform again in Velky sal Lucerna.

The band will be re-introducing the electrifying show of their fourth album Weekend Man that British Independent described like recalling the best times of rock’n’roll era. In the interview for novinky.cz from last year, the frontman Adam Grahn said: “I’m proud of it, I think it’s our best record so far. I feel a bit like it is our first album. It has the strongest identity of all. We love it so much that we only play the biggest hits from the previous ones.”

More about the artist