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Passenger (UK) s Ken Yates (CA)

16. 4. 19Roxy, Praha

» TIME SCHEDULE 7 pm doors | 8:00 pm Ken Yates  | 9:00 pm Passenger

The British singer-songwriter and busker Passenger, who broke through thanks to his international number one single Let Her Go returns to Prague for his intimate tour. He’ll arrive to Roxy with Runaway, his tenth record in 11 years, inspired by American landscape and his childhood.

There have always been two sides to Mike Rosenberg, aka Passenger: the epic, radio-friendly sound represented by his international number one single, Let Her Go, and the more introverted, singer-songwriter side heard, for instance. Runaway, the new album, finds Passenger embracing the epic once again: the melodies are unforgettable, the choruses colossal. These are songs you are going to hear on the radio. “Some see pop as a dirty word,” says Rosenberg, “but it just means the melody is catchy. Well, my favourite songs that have ever been written are catchy.”

More about the artist