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Pablo Nouvelle (CH)

29. 3. 16La Loca, Praha
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Swiss musician Pablo Nouvelle will perform at intimate club La Loca in Prague on tuesday 29th of March.. We can be looking forward to hearing unique vocals, as a typical sign of his production. Tickets are available for 140 czk on laloca.cz, goout.cz and smsticket.cz

Fabio Friedli known as Pablo Nouvelle released his new album “All I need” early this year. The Guardian said about him that “he takes soul back to the future”. He lists the like of the XX, Frank Ocean nebo Bonobo. The element “soul” is provided by keybords, drums and also a number of female and male guest vocalists. “It was important to me that I had a broad palette of differently coloured voices available to me,” he says. “Almost every song has a different voice. Here and there they are used almost like samples, with only a short dash to hint at a certain mood. It was important to me to create a strong feeling of space and mood.” Pablo Nouvelle’s first musical love was hip-hop band Wu-Tang Clan as he admires melodic song passages. Soon he discovered that these passages were mostly based on samples that were taken from the deep past of the American soul history.

More about the artist