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Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker (AU) s Cleopold (AU)

12. 10. 19Lucerna Velký sál, Praha

6:30 pm doors | 8:00 pm Cleopold | 9:00 pm Nick Murphy

Nick Murphy fka Chet Faker, one of the most charismatic musicians of today, is coming to Prague for the first time. He announces a massive international tour supporting his sophomore full length album Run Fast Sleep Naked (Downtown Records / Future Classic / Opulent) – a hypnotically candid document of self-searching, an album equally informed by constant questioning and steadily arriving at fragments of truth.

In the making of his sophomore album (April 26th), Murphy spent four years traveling the world solo with a microphone in his suitcase, recording his vocal tracks in whichever spaces and environments most inspired him. During that time, the Melbourne-bred singer / producer / multi-instrumentalist immersed himself in intense self-examination: “If you sit in one space for a long period of time, you get settled and stop experiencing the world in a new way… At some point I realized there was a path I could continue on where I could put things forward as a way to boost myself up, or as a gain to my ego,” he says.

More about the artist