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My Kind of Santa

5. 12. 23Roxy, Praha

6:30 doors• 7:20 Dashi • 8:05 Annabelle • 9:00 Lenny

Buy a present for kids in need and enjoy a free show featuring Lenny, Annabelle and Dashi Stardust!

My Kind of Santa returns to Roxy, Prague this Tuesday 5th December.

How does it work? No need to have a ticket, come with a Christmas gift instead! Who will be the happy kid?

Follow the link and select.You will hand over the gift at venue doors, we will pass it on to respective charities. Make the kids happy, enjoy the show.

While we can’t wait for Christmas, what about doing something nice for someone else? Together with the Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU) we have prepared a charity concert at Roxy featuring Lenny, Annabelle and Dashi Stardust.

How does this work? This is a free admission show but we are encouraging you to bring a toy which will be given to the children’s home in Kralupy nad Vltavou and to refugee children in the Czech Republic. Go to GoOut website, reserve your ticket for free and let us know whether you will be bringing a toy for a girl or a boy and for which age category. The choice and the purchase of the toy is up to you and we will look forward to what you will surprise us with when you enter Roxy. Please do not wrap the gifts so we can distribute them easily. The recommended minimum gift price is 300 CZK but there are no limits to budget or imagination.

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