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Metric (CA) s James Hersey (AT)

1. 11. 18Roxy, Praha

» TIME SCHEDULE 7 pm doors | 8:00 pm James Hersey | 9:00 pm Metric

Canadian indie rock band Metric with lead vocalist Emily Haines will play for the first time in Czech. Metric are coming to Roxy to introduce their upcoming seventh album scheduled for release this September. “We wanted the first song people heard from it to be “Dark Saturday” as a sonic heads up that our guitars are back in force,” says Haines about just released single.

For the first time in 3 albums, guitarist Jimmy Shaw did not co-produce, preferring to turn over the producer mantle to first time collaborator Justin Meldal-Johnsen (M83, Beck and Nine Inch Nails). “He really saw every band member eye to eye and was able to capture what we each do best. It was something I realized I couldn’t do at this stage, having been in the band for so long. We were finally able to focus on just playing again, as we did at the start. Making this album brought us together in a way we hadn’t been for quite some time and I think you can hear it in the music,” Shaw commented.

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