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Kensington (NL) s No Distance Paradise

4. 11. 15Rock Café, Praha

Dutch band Kensington is coming back to Rock Café, Prague. They smashed up this club in January for the first time than rocked on summer festival Fingers Up and that’s why we are not expecting something else than great show on November 4th. Presales start August 12th.

Four musicians from Utrecht are playing together already for ten years. Their debut album Borders was released in 2010, five years after the band was established. This long period was really important, because the debut album was born mature, with strong opinion, statement and original style. Since than the band was respected and glorified by indie music lovers. The producer of the debut was John Davies who worked with bands like Arctic Monkeys before and it’s important to mention him, because he has a lot of credit on this piece. After other delays the second albumVoltures was released in 2012. But the prolonged expectation payed off. The sound shifted to more epic melodies and rumors about new rising indie sensation started to spread. Kensington defintely become star after releasing their last album Rivals in 2014 which peaked hit-parades in several countries. The band continued in their way to monumental melodies and music themes bounded with catchy refrains which got stuck in your brain for long time if not forever. This combination had won MTV Music Award to the band and is highly acclaimed by critics and fans. If you want to hear Dutch indie rock sounding more British than the original one from Britain don’t miss Kensington in Rock Café on November 4th! If this text didn’t convince you, ask thousands of music enthusiasts visiting festivals like Fingers Up or Sziget in Budapest, they will convince you for sure.

No Distance Paradise amazed many music fans with their debut albumChallenge Gravity. The album was strongly influenced by melodic English indie rock music. Well known producer Dušan Neuwerth (know for his work for Sunshine, Kryštof or Charlie Straight) helped the band to reach their own unique sound and make a huge step forward in their music compositions. No Distance Paradise shined on many popular festival stages thanks to that. They also supported The 1975 on their Czech show. All the fans are now looking forward to the new album coming out at the beginning of next year. We can expect rousing guitar melodies, vocal equilibristics, epic piano soundscapes and dynamic rhythm.

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