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Deaf Havana (UK) s Airways (UK)

26. 2. 19Café V lese, Praha

TIIME SCHEDULE  7 pm doors | 8 pm Airways | 9 pm Deaf Havana

Only one of a handful of British guitar bands to achieve a top 10 album in 2018, UK 5-piece Deaf Havana return to Prague to present their fifth record Rituals, “a bright and bombastic record that harbours a darker underbelly” as DIY wrote.

The band formed in 2005 at The College of West Anglia and since then they released 5 records including the latest one Rituals. A recurring theme on the album is one of struggle and redemption. Feeling secure of his place in the world for the first time in his life, James’ (vocals) lyrics cover the themes of disconnect, wrestling with the self and letting go of personal demons.

More about the artist