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All That Remains (US) s Brando's Eyes (CZ)

13. 12. 18Rock Café, Praha

» TIME SCHEDULE 7 pm doors | 8 pm Brando’s Eyey| 9.05 pm All That Remains


The show of American band All That Remains is moving from MeetFactory to Rock Café. All purchased tickets remain valid or can be returned at the place of purchase until November 30th 2018. Tickets for the new venue are now on sale. Despite the sad news about the death of the guitarist and founding member Oli Herbert, the band decided not to cancel the planned autumn shows supporting the new album Victim of the New Disease.

“Losing Oli has been a tremendous blow to the core of ATR”, says vocalist Phil Labonte, “but I know he wouldn’t want anything other than for us to continue. He loved this record so much – it’s some of our best work. We look forward to sharing the music with everyone – seeing our fans from the stage. From where Oli loved most. It’ll be cathartic. We’ll need it to be”. Guitar virtuoso Jason Richardson (All Shall Perish, Chelsea Grin, Born of Osiris) has come on board and will fill in on the upcoming trek.

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